Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 89

Miles 42.61 Total for trip 3444.95
Avg spd 6.38
Max spd 28.64
Climb 2917
Alt chng ++ 675
Not a whole lot for today. I had about a 6 miles climb to start the day and I think I had some bad Mcdonalds yesterday so I was dogging it all day. It was one of those days where all the uphills went straight uphill and my downhill I was supposed to have never materialized. I stopped at Hartsel CO for around an hour to wait out the wind. The wind didn't stop so I pushed on. The area I was in today was not a campers delight. No trees, just meadow grass and weeds as far as the eye could see. After getting to around 9600 ft I found a nice place to camp in some trees. I did not see a no trespassing sign anywhere so I thought I was ok. Today was a tough day. I think I will take it easy tomorrow.

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