Sunday, August 23, 2009

What is the border delay?

Aaron has been at the border crossing for 20 minutes now. What is the hold up? I can't imagine he wants to chat will Canada's border and law enforcement personnel. Maybe, given the Canadian love for donuts, there is a Tim Horton's right on the border and Aaron decided to pick up a dozen. My guess is he is having the fun of unpacking his gear so the authorities can go through it. I'm betting he'll have a border crossing story from each direction. Any takers for the bet?


Unknown said...

I'm with you, Dan.

bethsuhr said...

Hi Aaron,
Want to let you know we got a call from Henry Clouser wondering what was going on with you and Canada, wondering if we were going to have to get a private jet or what. I'm sure a lot of people are wondering. We were sooooooo glad we got to talk to you after your return to the good old USA. Love you, mom