OK, so Thursday night (6/18) Arron goes 1.8 miles off his planned path to Mimbres River. The 1.8 miles isn't the big deal. Choosing to go down a 591 feet hill was the interesting part of the story. Why would he go down that be a hill to only have to go up it the next day? But then it only gets weirder. The next day he goes up to a clearing and messes around for a while then goes back down the hill to the river and doesn't move till the next day, 6/20. Watching Spot, his movement between and within the two locations seemed to be strange... like he was looking for something.
It had only been one day since his last break (and how many days off does he really need) so what was he doing?
I'm wondering what Matt's thoughts are on this?
It does seem rather odd that Aaron would be taking this route and/or time. I am sure there will be an interesting explanation.
I finally got caught up with the ride and the pics. I was keeping even with everything and then wham...he had gone an extra 30 days without me even knowing.
Aaron, I saw that you had a pic of some cactus...if you run out of spam, the cactus may suffice. I heard that it cooks up pretty well and it "meaty" in flavor. It would probably cut down on sodium, too.
Cannot wait to hear about the last few days! Pics are as cool as ever.
Love, sister Cheryl
But cactus doesn't come in cans with pop tops. I think that is part of the appeal of spam. He didn't even want any conventional canned meat that would have had to been open with a swiss army knife. I can't imagine him hacking down a saguaro (Of course, we all know that saguaros are protected and we would not condone or encourage such behavior from anyone.)
The Mimbres River was such a great river I could not leave it. The 2 inches of water was so refreshing.
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