Gila River is somewhere in there. I think it is dry now, but during the spring and monsoon season it is probably going pretty good.

This morning I got up from my great sleeping spot, the concrete picnic table. I got out around 6ish. I got out so early because the info I had told me the road I would be on would be tough. My map said only to take the road if you had a mountain bike or hybrid. I found out shortly after I got started this morning it was a good thing I had a mountain bike, because the road was probably as bad as any I will see on my Great Divide Ride. For all you Dodgeball fans I practiced the 5 D's of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and......Dodge to try and save my spokes from breaking. It worked, I had no broken spokes.
I was happy with the ride today. I got through the tough road about an hour quicker then I though I would. I got my first break in the great city of Bylas AZ. I took about a 1 1/2 hour break in great rest area in the city.. I filled up with water before I left the city.
I was almost out of the city when I heard the lovely bark of a dog.(note to readers, I am a dog lover) I saw the dog on the opposite side of the street and thought to myself it would not cross the street to greet or bite me. As I was thinking this another dog, on my side of the road came out of the bushes and by the look in it's eyes I knew I could be in trouble. As the dog on my side came barking at me I noticed the dog on the opposite road was entering the street and chasing me. The only option I had was to ride into Hwy 70 and pedal as fast as possible. Traffic was coming toward me. They were slowing down since they could see I was in a little bit of trouble. I looked over my shoulder as I was trying to outrun the dogs and could see traffic behind me had slowed down to watch the show . I pedalled fast enough to outrun the dogs, but thought to myself I had to get my tent sticks to the front of my bike just in case this happens again.
Tomorrow will be a big climb day. My info shows me that I will cross a pass of 6295 feet.
Hi Aaron,
Oh what a story!! I laughed and laughed at the picture it made of you being chased by dogs, looking over your shoulder at the dogs and seeing the cars slowing down to watch the show. L and A kepted asking me what I was laughing at and I told them they would know what I was laughing at when they read your latest logs.
Love ya!
Oh my gosh aaron. crazy! It is probably a good thing that there were spectators so that they could have stepped in if the dogs jumped you. Nice peddling! Impressed... even if you didn't have your tent poles...don't you have your bear mace handy? Or is that buried somewhere?
love ya, sister cheryl
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