Avg spd 7.63
Max spd 28.64
Climb 3465
Alt chng ++793

This morning I decided to try to get back on track as far as my book goes so I needed to go around 70 miles. The map showed a lot of flat land today so I thought I would give it a try. I started out low on water this morning and my only hope for many miles was a fireman's work center called Beaverhead about 6 miles from camp. I left fairly early and was afraid everyone would be in bed since it was Sunday. I pulled in to the work center and was happy to see a water sign pointing towards a building and even better I saw a working soda machine. I filled every water container I had then relaxed, had a few diet cokes, and used the payphone to wish Dad a Happy Father's day. I have found in the few days on the Divide Trail to take advantage of every rest stop, picnic table, soda machine because you don't know how long it will be before you see another one.

I was on a gravel road when my trail took me to the 30 which turned out to be a great road. It was a hard clay surface and I was able to pick up some good speed. I was traveling through the O-Bar-O Canyon. The canyon had nice meadows and I saw a couple herds of either mule deer or elk. Both herds ran across the road in front of me no more then 100 feet, it was an awesome sight to see them running along. After one of the herds I saw a lone deer that was running awkwardly and on the other side of the road 2 coyotes ran away after they heard me coming. I might have helped that deer out. I was a little paranoid the next couple miles and looked over my shoulder for the coyotes, but saw no sign of them.
At mile 55 I was getting tired, but my info showed that at mile 60 where the road I was on and Hwy 12 intersected there would be a store and a gas station. I was just hoping that one of them would be open on a Sunday, because I was just about out of water and had not seen any to filter today. I got to the intersection where the store should have been and saw a Bible School. It looked like the store and gas station were no longer. I knocked on the door to see about water and got no answer. While I was standing there with my water bag in hand a truck pulled up and told me I could use the water hose out back just don't forget to latch the gate when I leave. I filled up with water and was on my way. I had about 10 miles to go.
I couldn't make it the last 3 miles. It got to the point were I seemed to be going .1 miles every half hour. I pulled over to take a break and thought that I probably should call it a night even though it was not a very good area to camp. I was even too tired to cook supper. SPAM straight from the can.
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