Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 55

Miles 81.10 Total for trip 2147.65
Avg spd 10.74
Max spd 37.56
Climb 2387
Alt chng ++354 Tonight I had the best sunset yet. I was a few miles past Brenda AZ, and after an 80 mile day the sunset was a great reward.

I got out of my campsite early this morning to get a couple hours of riding in before the weather got too hot. The temp was nice around 70 to start the day. I had planed riding around 55-60 miles today but decided to go farther since I was on I-10 and could not camp along the side of the highway. I am glad I went farther because once I got out of Quartzsite AZ I got a decent downhill and found a great spot along hwy 60. I have been really lucky on the weather knock on wood.

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