Total for trip 2290.38 Alt chng ++2384

After 2 days off I was looking forward to get back on the road. I got started right from the bike shop where my bike got a tuneup and some new tires. I left Mesa around 10.45 and was anticipating some big climbs today. Once you get out of the big city of Phoenix and the surrounding cities Arizona is pretty desolate. There was nothing between Apache Junction and Superior, around 26 miles. I went through a couple hundred foot tunnel today called the Queen Creek Tunnel. It was in the middle of a tough climb with not much shoulder. I was going to try to hustle through the tunnel, but I went fairly slow. It was not the funnest thing to do. Riding through the tunnel was stress full. It is very loud and hot inside with no where to go. About 2 miles after the tunnel I found my campsite for the day. It was a USFS campsite that was very nice. It had concrete picnic tables and grass to put up my tent. I had almost the whole campsite to myself. It is probably a popular spot in the fall and winter.
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