Avg spd 12.58
Max spd 32.58
Climb 847
Alt chng --19

I saw the neatest dog of the trip. His name is Wizard and he was rescued from a greyhound track.

I rode by RV row today. This is a road that has 100s of RV lined up on the right side camping. There were old RVs that looked like there were going to fall apart, and there were brand new RVs that ran around 300k. It was quite a site.
Yesterday while I was wandering around until 4.00 to get into camp I ran into Michael. He started hiking the coast 7 years ago each summer. The last 3 years he has been biking the coast. He rides around the same 250 miles and stops at the state parks. Last year he put around 5000 miles on his bike doing it. He was a talker (it seems like many of the bike tourers are talkers). He was telling me the best routes to take where I am headed and told me where some .99 stores were located. I ended up making it up until around 10 pm which is late for me.
Today my ride is around 50 miles. I am stopping at Leo Carrillo State Beach. I am stopping there for a couple reasons. They let bikers in before 4 pm and I am allowed to stay 2 nights to rest up for my long ride trough LA. The ride today was very flat with no wind so I had my highest average speed of the trip at 12.58. I went farther then I had to since I took a turn at Victoria instead of the road I needed which was Ventura. I saw the V and figured it had to be the road I needed. I had about a 3 mile detour through the coastal town of Channel Islands.
I got into camp around 3.30 and went to the beach. There were a couple surfers trying to surf, but the waves weren't big enough so they could not stand up on their boards without sinking. It was kinda funny to watch them.
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