Day 112
Miles 30.74 Total for trip 4333.83
Avg spd 13.15
Max spd 19.96
Climb 165
Alt chng --596
Day 113
Miles 51.03 Total for trip 4384.86
Avg spd 12.12
Max spd 31.82
Climb 963
Alt chng --295
Day 114 Miles 39.76 Total for trip 4424.62
Avg spd 9.44
Max spd 34.42
Climb 2293
Alt chng ++656

I decided my body needed to get off the dirt roads for a few days, so I took a detour along the frontage roads along the I-15. There was not much going on for the 3 days. The only real excitement happened on the night of day 112. I was staying at the Clark Reservoir. It was a nice spot. There was nice shelters over the picnic tables. I had just set up my tent. I ran to fill my water bag up, when the wind picked up and the rain started. I got back to my tent just in time to see my tarp get blown from under the tent. I caught the tarp and stuffed it somewhere while I tended to my tent. My tent was blowing so hard the stakes were coming out of the ground, so I ended up just balling the tent up an putting it in a bag. Sometime during the chaos my tarp blew away and was lost forever. I sat under the shelter for a couple hours and read. Luckily the wind died down enough to put the tent back up and get a decent nights sleep.
Days 113 and 114 had nothing going on, just rode on the frontage road along the I-15.
It was raining a lot last night and is suppost to be raining today, so I might have to stick to the pavement for another day if the dirt roads are too muddy. Looks like I should be in Canada in a couple weeks.
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