Avg spd 9.72
Max spd 35.58
Climb 1172
Alt chng ++318

Today looked to be an easy ride because of the extra miles yesterday. It all depended on the state of the construction on HWY 93. The construction was all done the first few miles out of Arlee. I saw a left lane closed sign and thought the next 10 miles were going to be rough, no shoulder and a very small lane. I noticed on the other side of the freeway there was a finished road except the asphalt had not been poured. I got on the other side and ended up riding the last 10 miles with a couple lanes to myself. I was lucky it was a Sunday and the construction crews had the day off. Looks like the KOA tonight and tomorrow I will pick up my last food drop at the post office.
1 comment:
Hey Aaron. It is so amazing that you have made it so far! Fabulous. I hope you are as proud of yourself as everyone else is. Your pictures are beautiful and the stories interesting. Enjoy the ride back to Boise.
I am really bummed that I missed Dan's post from the "What border delay" section. I am sure that was interesting (if not appropriate).
Are you ever going to eat wheat pasta again once you get back to regular living? I hope so...but that bean/bacon soup you don't ever need to try again. I am still looking forward to you making a spam concoction that I can try. Not sure how I feel about spam but will keep an open mind.
See you soon!
Love you, sister Cheryl
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