Miles 53.60 Total for trip 4268.87
Avg 8.43
spd 24.30
Climb 1977
chng ++39

After an easy day I planned on about 32 miles today, and camp at the
Upper Red Rock Lake. I road around Henry's Lake to get back onto my trail. I passed over the Idaho/Montana boarder about halfway into the day. It was pretty neat at the state line. It was right on the continental divide. There was a nice camping spot at Red Rock pass right on the divide, but it was still early so I pushed on. I got to the Red Rock National Wildlife Refuge and was looking forward to seeing a lot of different birds. It looks like I road through at the wrong time, because there were not many birds around. I saw a couple trumpeter swans, but they were very far away and could not get any good pictures. I arrived at my hopeful campsite and was happy with how nice it was, but it was still really hot so I decided to go farther.
I ran into a few other riders today. They were riding separately. the first 2 were getting water at a house, the third I talked with for a few minutes and told him where water was available, and the forth was right near where I had planned on camping for the night. I talked with him for a few minutes, and told him where I saw the other riders he was with. He decided to camp where I was going to camp, but changed his mind after he could not find a spot he liked. He decided to try and catch up with his buddies, since it was only around 6.30pm.
I cooked a good dinner, did some reading, then went to bed
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