Miles 34.22 Total for trip 4303.09
spd 8.12
spd 26.62
Climb 1216
chng --223

I really like it when I know where I am going. I woke up today and knew the road I needed was back and to the left. I went a few miles, and knew something was wrong. I stopped at the next intersection and stopped to read, really, read my map. I was leaning over my map, and heard some
shuffling behind me. I ignored it for a couple minutes while I decided which way to go. I looked back and saw around 50 pair of cow eyes staring at me. They were all standing at the fence looking at a lost bike rider. I decided to keep going straight. I kept at it for around a mile and decided to turn back to the last intersection, and cows. I got there, stopped, looked at
the cows again, and looked for other biker trails. I could not see any other trails, and turned around to go the wrong way for the second time. I went farther this time until I decided I had to go back to the start. This was by far the most lost I had been on the trip. I got back to the start, w went by my campsite, and was
happy that my odometer did not work at the start of the day, because I probably
would've gotten more lost if it had worked from the start. I officially got started on the right track today around 11.00 pm.

After the late start I saw 3 riders from Poland. They were riding the Divide without a water filter between them. I went over where to get water and told them a few days in WY there would only be water in a river and reservoir for 2 days. they seemed a little concerned, but said they would manage. We took some pics, and they were on their way. I made it to Lima today, and ran into a couple who were doing the divide on unicycles. We exchanged some info about the trail. They had all their gear in the hotel so I couldn't get any pics. I found the best deal on a ten spot, just $5.25. I had a craving for cheese, and found some ca jun cheese curds. Did some reading, ate, and went to bed.
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