I found out there is a great shuttle system here at Glacier Park. It will take you to each camping area and from there you can get to some great hiking trails. I was going to use the first trip as my decision maker on whether or not I ride my bike over the Going To The Sun Road. The shuttle passed a few bikers on the road. All of them had road bikes and no gear. During this time of year no bike is allowed on the road from 10am-4pm. It is 32 miles to the top of the hill, with about 18 miles 6% grade with no shoulder and very few pullouts to let cars go by, and don't forget the construction. It didn't take long for me to decide not to bike up the hill. I decided I would stay at
Apgar Campground for a few days and ride the shuttle to the areas I wanted to hike.

I hiked to Lake
Okotomi and back. It is a 10.4mile hike. The first half of the hike is uphill. I did not take my altimeter to see how far it went up. I would have to guess around 1300-1600ft. It is not a real popular hike, I only passed 3 people on the trail. When I got to the lake I found there were some campers. There are 3 campsites you can hike to. There were some fishermen trying to catch trout from the small lake. I did not see anyone catch a fish, but they said they had caught some. It was cloudy and rainy on the way up. When I got to the lake the sun broke through and I was able to get some nice pictures of the lake. I got some great pictures of the little creek that flows from the lake. It was a great hike, I hope I am not sore in the morning.
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