Miles 38.89 Total for trip 4614.51
spd 8.29
spd 27.48
Climb 2136
chng --528

I got out of camp after a small breakfast of dried
mangos, a
kashi bar, and a power bar. I was really looking forward to picking some huckleberries. I am sure the road had more traffic then usual since the
hucks were ripe. I saw a couple who looked like they knew what they were doing and asked them what the plants look like. I got a quick course on
huck picking and continued my climb armed with enough knowledge to know what to look for. I was almost to the top of the pass and saw a nice spot to park my bike and try my had at picking
hucks. I was told not to eat too many or I could be in trouble later in the day. I picked a few
hand fulls of
hucks and decided that was enough for now. I went another half mile to the top of the pass, took a break and had another couple
hand fulls.
It was a nice downhill into the town of
Orvando. I stopped for a while, fixed another flat tire(I have to remember to get new tubes at the next big city, all my tubes have patches on them now and do not work very well), and decided to make it to the
Monture Campground for the night.
I got to the campground and was happy to see it was a full service campground for free. I still do not kn ow how the Forest Service decides which campgrounds are free and which are fee based. The site was on a nice little creek. I though it would have been nice to have a fishing pole, the brook trout limit was 20. 20 brook trout would have made a nice dinner.