Miles 107.31 total for trip 230.10
Avg 8.98
max spd 31.82
climb ft 3149
alt change ++ 833
Day 4 was the highest mileage day so far 76.43 miles. I had one big pass for the day and had to hike a bike for a couple miles. When I was about to the top I looked back and got a great picture( third pic down). The top picture was taken about 30 miles into the day. I saw the mountain at the start of the day and kept getting closer until I thought I could get a good shot.
I went off my map at around mile 66. I planned on turning towards Malheur national wildlife refuge off Princeton Spur rd. I had to make a choice of turning into a big black cloud that looked like serious rain, or stay on hwy 78 to Burns OR. I decided to stay dry and try to make it to Crane OR. I made it to Crane at 7.45 pm. The only store/cafe closed at 7.30. The door was still unlocked so I got a diet pepsi and the ok to camp on the lawn near the store. I left Crane at around 9 am after a great breakfast.

Day 5 was the easiest day by far. I went a little over 30 miles with no wind. I meet a guy at Mcdonald's(I had a salad) that rode from Monteray CA to Vancuver BC on a bike he made out of PVC pipe in the 60s. The whole original bike, even the tires, were made from PVC pipe. After some miles he and crew decided to get some regular tires. Even with the regular tires he was only able to get around 30 miles before repairs were required on his bike. He told me alot about his life. He is retired military that has a small landing strip on his land for his plane, deffinately an old school gent.
I am going to be out of service for the next few days. I will touch back as soon as possible.
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