Miles 36.79 Total for trip 122.79
Avg speed 10.64
Max spd 33.56
Climb 891 ft
alt --990 ft

The hotel was nice, I stopped at the JV cafe for breakfast and had some good biscuits and gravy. It was refreshing to see blue sky starting out today. I figured it would be warm enough for my shoes today, figured wrong, had to stop after 7 miles and throw on my boots.
I decided to check out what I missed at antelope reservoir, my original camping spot for last night. It was a nice location. I ran into Idaho John, he said it was very cold. John said all he did was brew his coffee and got back into his rig. He is prospecting and was supposed to get to Silver City yesterday, but didn't make it because of the weather.

Today's ride was to Rome OR. Not a lot here, just a cafe/store. I went to see about getting some water, there might not be any for around 80 miles. I saw a huge plate of tater tots that a customer was eating and decided it was a good time for a snack. Got done early today to rest up for a high mileage day tommorrow.
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