My speedometer does not seem to work when there are high winds and on Day 10 there were high winds all day so the miles are by google maps.
Klamath Falls is a nice city, it reminds me of Corvalis OR. The economy seems to have hit it hard, there are a lot of empty storefronts in the downtown area. When I was using the WiFi at the local cafe I saw a few Klamath Falls cops hanging around my bike. It turns out someone was drinking in public. I think they made him poor it out near my bike cause it smelled like a bar when I left.
As I pedalled out of town something did not seem right with my seat so I pulled over to take a look, sure enough one of the seat pole holders was broken. ( I think carbon fiber is only good for people under 300 pounds.) Luckily it was a fix I could do. Hopefully I can get to Phoenix without it breaking again or I will have to get out the duct tape. The ride out of Klamath Falls was windy and continued to be windy all day. I stopped at Klamath Lake where the trout limit is 1 and has to be over 8 inches. I thought you would have to be a die hard fisherman to launch a boat for 1 fish. I talked with the only boater I saw and he said the trout get big. The record is 21 pounds.

It was a nice ride but I am glad I wasn't riding on the weekend when there would be more traffic. The shoulder went from 10 ft to only the white line, and it seemed traffic only came by when I had the white line. I didn't feel 100 percent today, maybe the wind or bad cheese ravioli I got at the cafe so I stopped at the Odessa camp grounds. It was a good decision. It was a free campground and had very nice picnic tables. A person doesn't know how nice a picnic table is until they camp without one for a few nights. I used my portable stove for the first time. It is amazing how everything tastes better camping, even simple wheat pasta with some spices. Looking forward to a nice 70 miler tomorrow. The picture above and below were from a trail near the Odessa camp ground.
1 comment:
Aaron I'm dying to know what broke. Do you have a picture?
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