Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 14

Nothing is broke on my bike but I did use a tire patch to hold my seat together better.

Miles 42.54 Total for trip 586.19
Avg spd 9.65
Max spd 31.82
Climb 1495 ft
Atl Change ++259 ft

Today I decided to get my laundry done since I don't know how prevalent laundry facilities will be on the coast.While I was doing laundry I talked with a guy from Glendale OR who seemed to know a lot about the area. He said bikes could ride on I-5 in Oregon. It is only California that it is illegal to bike on the I-5. He also said that Hwy 42 had many great parks along the way. With this info I decided to change my route to Bandon. I took the I-5 to Myrtle Creek to get Dole rd to the old Hwy 99. I saw where Dole Rd went and decided there was not way that would hit 99, so I got back on the I-5 to get to 99. I was on 99 for a few miles and sure enough, just like Google maps projected, there was Dole Rd. When I got to Winston I decided to take Hwy 42 because of the big shoulder it had. I was in logging truck country and thought the nice shoulder would help out. Hwy 42 did not have any parks on it so my camping spot for the night was near a bridge. I was out of the way and the bridge covered my bike so it did not get rained on all night like I did. Kind of rained off and on all day so I did not get any pictures.

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