Thursday, April 30, 2009
Day 16

Day 15
Avg spd 10.95
Max spd 30.08
Climb 1211
Alt chng --999 (lost more but bike computer does not go lower)

Picture above shows much of the cloud cover I rode in today. It was a wet day.
It was raining off and on all morning and I was debating on when to get moving when a couple of teenage kids came walking by asking if anyone was in the tent. I got out and talked with Cody for a few minutes. There was some spray paint on the bridge so I think it is a hangout for kids from Camas Valley a few miles away. I thought since I was up and around it was time to hit the road. My tent was soaked from all the rain, hopefully I would get to Bandon in time to let it dry out. It rained again off and on all day until about 10 miles from Bandon. At least I didn't get any big hail like Boise did. Kind of another gloomy day. I was able to get a nice picture of my first mural in Coquille. Almost to the beach.
Day 14
Miles 42.54 Total for trip 586.19
Avg spd 9.65
Max spd 31.82
Climb 1495 ft
Atl Change ++259 ft
Today I decided to get my laundry done since I don't know how prevalent laundry facilities will be on the coast.While I was doing laundry I talked with a guy from Glendale OR who seemed to know a lot about the area. He said bikes could ride on I-5 in Oregon. It is only California that it is illegal to bike on the I-5. He also said that Hwy 42 had many great parks along the way. With this info I decided to change my route to Bandon. I took the I-5 to Myrtle Creek to get Dole rd to the old Hwy 99. I saw where Dole Rd went and decided there was not way that would hit 99, so I got back on the I-5 to get to 99. I was on 99 for a few miles and sure enough, just like Google maps projected, there was Dole Rd. When I got to Winston I decided to take Hwy 42 because of the big shoulder it had. I was in logging truck country and thought the nice shoulder would help out. Hwy 42 did not have any parks on it so my camping spot for the night was near a bridge. I was out of the way and the bridge covered my bike so it did not get rained on all night like I did. Kind of rained off and on all day so I did not get any pictures.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Day 13
Avg spd 10.35
Max spd 34.84
Climb 3190
Alt chng -999 (more loss of altitude but my bike computer does not go lower)

I got out of Joseph Stewart SP at around 9 am. I though the first part of the ride on Hwy 62 would be fairly easy but did not know what Hwy 227 would be. The moment I turned onto the 227 I started a nice slow climb. I was riding by a nice house and heard someone asking how far I was going. I told him I try to go 40-45 miles per day. He asked, " is that all?" (Some people say," how do you go that far" and some say, "is that all.") I talked with him for a while. He said he tried to go around the Crater Lake rim but had to walk during some of it. He told me I was in for some rough uphill. I said, "so far it has been nice and slow uphill." He was correct when he said it would get steeper. I had to hike a bike for a couple miles up today. After I got up the hill it was sweet downhill. I had to stop to put my jacket on I got so cold. Today I had to use the brakes even harder then yesterday during the 14 mile downhill.

Day 11
Avg spd 10.99
spd 34.42
Climb 3208
Alt change -999 (more loss of altitude but my bike computer does not go lower)

Picture above is Mt. McLoughlin. Awesome scenery today.
I got out of Odessa campground at 9.30 and felt.......no wind, nice. I though it would be a tough ride until past Fish Lake area today and was correct.(I had inside information that the ride from Fish Lake to Butte Falls would be downhill.) There were some nice uphills and decent downhills. It was the first part of my trip that I could see some serious snow still on the side of the road. This area has to get a lot of snow since the road guard polls are around 12 feet tall. It was nice scenery. Mountains and big pine trees instead of sagebrush. The summit sign said 5105, the highest summit yet. I went down for a little ways and then saw a sign that all riders dream of 5% grade for 10 miles, but my turnoff to Butte Falls was less then 1/4 mile away. I almost decided to take the easy 10 miles and go to Medford, but I decided to turn to Butte Falls. I am glad I did. After a couple miles of up and down a sign said hill 14 miles. My had got cramped up because of the cold and constant braking I had to do, I am not complaining it was the easiest 14 miles I have ever biked. I decided to go the extra mile to Butte Falls to see what the town was like and to get a mushroom swiss burger. It was a nice town and I biked down to see Butte Spring Falls.

Day 10
My speedometer does not seem to work when there are high winds and on Day 10 there were high winds all day so the miles are by google maps.
Klamath Falls is a nice city, it reminds me of Corvalis OR. The economy seems to have hit it hard, there are a lot of empty storefronts in the downtown area. When I was using the WiFi at the local cafe I saw a few Klamath Falls cops hanging around my bike. It turns out someone was drinking in public. I think they made him poor it out near my bike cause it smelled like a bar when I left.
As I pedalled out of town something did not seem right with my seat so I pulled over to take a look, sure enough one of the seat pole holders was broken. ( I think carbon fiber is only good for people under 300 pounds.) Luckily it was a fix I could do. Hopefully I can get to Phoenix without it breaking again or I will have to get out the duct tape. The ride out of Klamath Falls was windy and continued to be windy all day. I stopped at Klamath Lake where the trout limit is 1 and has to be over 8 inches. I thought you would have to be a die hard fisherman to launch a boat for 1 fish. I talked with the only boater I saw and he said the trout get big. The record is 21 pounds.

It was a nice ride but I am glad I wasn't riding on the weekend when there would be more traffic. The shoulder went from 10 ft to only the white line, and it seemed traffic only came by when I had the white line. I didn't feel 100 percent today, maybe the wind or bad cheese ravioli I got at the cafe so I stopped at the Odessa camp grounds. It was a good decision. It was a free campground and had very nice picnic tables. A person doesn't know how nice a picnic table is until they camp without one for a few nights. I used my portable stove for the first time. It is amazing how everything tastes better camping, even simple wheat pasta with some spices. Looking forward to a nice 70 miler tomorrow. The picture above and below were from a trail near the Odessa camp ground.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Day 9
Avg spd 8.72
Max spd 30.08
Climb 1255 ft
Alt Change -55 ft

Today was a nice ride out of Silver Lake. The first 30 miles were a mix of good up and down. My average speed was around 11.50, then on a downhill coast my left foot fill off the pedal. It turns out the pedal fell off the bike. I braked hard and had to find a spot to park my bike and walk up the hill to retrieve said pedal. The bearings in my pedal seized up, so the pedal unscrewed itself. I found a crack in the pedal so dust must have been getting into it and caused it to seize up. I tried to lube the bearings up and screw the pedal back in. Over the next 5-6 miles the thread got stripped so now the pedal just fell out. I tried electric tape to get me by, that did not work real well. I stopped at the Klamath Marsh NWR office and talked with someone there, figured out the closest bike shop would be in Klamath Falls around 65 miles away. I was in for a long couple days. The guy at the office said to try to hitchhike. I am not a huge fan of hitchhiking, but the first time I put my thumb out they stopped. It happened to be a couple that was coming from Boise and they own Smokey Mountain Pizza in Boise, my new favorite pizza place. They were nice enough to go out of their way to take me all the way to Klamath Falls. They even called to find a bike shop and dropped my at the front door of Hutch's Bike Shop. I got new pedals and they fixed a busted spoke. Not the best day, but not the worst. Dan filled everyone in on my new route for the next couple days. Thanks Dan. Getting a late start for today's ride but should be able to get to the campground at Fish Lake.
I have never had any trouble with a pedal before. This shows that no matter how much planning something still could, and will go wrong. It is good to get these things taken care of now, not in the middle of now where Wyoming, or Canada.
Day 8
Avg spd 11.30
Max spd 28.06
Climb 688 ft
Alt Change --104 ft

Today I got out right at 9 am it was a great night of camping, no wind and it was not very cold. After a little over 70 miles the day before I feel good. The first 30 miles to Christmas Valley were probably the easiest I will see on the trip no hills, no wind, and not much traffic. Christmas Valley is a neat little town. I was only supposed to get pizza after every 1000 miles, but Fred Barn Pizza was too tempting so I had to stop in. I got a chicken artichoke, it was great and had leftovers for dinner. When I got out of Christmas Valley the easy riding was over. I had a good headwind for the rest of the way on Christmas Valley Hwy. At the end of Christmas Valley I took Arrow Gap Rd. The picture of the license plates was taken right at the end of Christmas Valley. The license plates were a trend, I went past a couple more houses with large collections of license plates. My destination for the day was The Silver Lake. The lake was dry so I went to the town of Silver Lake. I ended up staying at the motel, just 20 bucks.

The weather for the last couple days has been record heat around 90, but Friday and Saturday my trail takes my around Crater Lake which is supposed to be high in the 30s and 40s with lows in the 20s and 30s so I am going to try to combine the next 2 days riding schedule so I can make it to Crater Lake Thursday so I can get to the rim and take some pictures without getting too cold. As we all know the plan went horribly wrong.
Day 7
Miles 75.23 total for trip 305.33
Avg spd 10.87
Max spd 32.69
Climb 2283
Alt change ++537

I have ridden this part of Hwy 20 before. Some of the 20 is tough, lucky for me the section from Burns to Riley is fairly easy and there was no wind. The first 24 miles to Riley went real good and I was looking forward to taking a break at Riley. As I was sitting on a bench in the shade at the store in Riley a couple bike riders pulled up. I was surprised to see any bikers before the coast. This part of Oregon isn't known for great riding. Nick and Andrea were on their way to Billings MT from Eugene OR. Nick has been making this trip for many years. He goes to Billings to work during the summer and fall. He said the biking helps him to stop smoking and get into shape for work. We talked for 30 mins or so and I went on my way to Wagontire.
For those planning on going to the big city of Wagontire skip Monday since the cafe/store/rest spot is closed. Wagontire was my destination for the day but I was going to try to make it another 15 miles, so it being closed made my decision easy. I made it to Christmas Valley Hwy and still felt good so I pushed on. Around 7 miles down Christmas Valley I saw a 8% grade hill. I don't think I have ever seen this steep of a hill that was paved. I would like to say it was a breeze to climb, but it was hike a bike for all but the first 5 feet. I had to take a break from pushing my bike up the hill I got so tired. It made me feel good to see that the trucks and bus went up the hill really slow. After the hill there was a lone tree that would have been a great place to camp. I walked up to check out the location and found a couple big ant hills so I pushed on to find a better locale, which I found about 2 miles later. It had an old foundation for a little house or a place to park an old wagon, whatever it was for made for a nice campground.

This night was the first night I could hear the coyote howling. At around 6 am I heard one outside my tent panting and walking around. I was glad all my beef jerky was safely stored.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Where is Aaron stopping today?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
4/20 Path Profile
The next graphic is the profile or altitude of the ride. Keep in mind the scale of the graph. on 4/20 it appears there was a 600 foot difference between the high and the low points of the ride. It seems that will change in the next few days when he goes over the cascades.

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Day 4 & 5

Day 5 was the easiest day by far. I went a little over 30 miles with no wind. I meet a guy at Mcdonald's(I had a salad) that rode from Monteray CA to Vancuver BC on a bike he made out of PVC pipe in the 60s. The whole original bike, even the tires, were made from PVC pipe. After some miles he and crew decided to get some regular tires. Even with the regular tires he was only able to get around 30 miles before repairs were required on his bike. He told me alot about his life. He is retired military that has a small landing strip on his land for his plane, deffinately an old school gent.
Day 3
Miles 36.79 Total for trip 122.79
Avg speed 10.64
Max spd 33.56
Climb 891 ft
alt --990 ft

The hotel was nice, I stopped at the JV cafe for breakfast and had some good biscuits and gravy. It was refreshing to see blue sky starting out today. I figured it would be warm enough for my shoes today, figured wrong, had to stop after 7 miles and throw on my boots.

Today's ride was to Rome OR. Not a lot here, just a cafe/store. I went to see about getting some water, there might not be any for around 80 miles. I saw a huge plate of tater tots that a customer was eating and decided it was a good time for a snack. Got done early today to rest up for a high mileage day tommorrow.
First couple days
Miles 86
avg speed apx 8.5mph
max speed 37.43 mph
The trip has begun. I got my first nature picture before I left Nampa, a few deer were taking a break near Lake Lowell. The first day was not too hard a little head wind not so bad. I took the back roads to Marsing then took Hwy 95 to a fantastic camping area. It was real windy all night. I was very happy with my tent. It blew and blew but never fell down.

The second day will probably go down as one of the top 5 toughest days on the trip. Right from camp it was uphill, and stayed uphill for what seemed to be 50 miles, but was around 13 miles. The wind was blowing all day. It looked like it would rain or snow, but I got lucky and just got a little snow right before my stop for the night. After the tough day I decided to get a hotel in Jordan Valley. A very good decision because I have to get my speedometer working correctly(the miles and avg speed are estimates) and my kickstand needs some serious help. I made it to Oregon, the first of many states.