Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I talked to Aaron for a minute on 5/26. He mentioned something I had to pass along. He was going into Santa Barbara for supplies. He was excited, almost giddy, about the opportunity to purchase a supply of SPAM. He described the concoction he was creating that requires a special, scarce ingredient like SPAM along with two other ingredients noodles and cream of mushroom soup. So he goes from a feast hosted by the CCC to, well, SPAM?

I thought the only thing they had canned in Santa Barbara was caviar. I'm not sure if Aaron found a supply of the iconic meat by-product. I would be interested in seeing photos - or maybe he can post a movie of the spam preparation.

Love to all....


ellena56 said...

Well Actually . . .

The breakfast that sent Aaron out of Morro Bay was a SPAM Fried Rice concoction that was invented by Lance (recently of CCC fame).
This joyous deliciousness has converted at least a few dozen campers into SPAM lovers, me included (though I still love my choc chip pancakes)!

Cheryl thinks we should try and meet up with you in Point Mugu/Sycamore Canyon (another favorite camp spot) to feed you a reasonable dinner.

We will keep watching the site.
Ride On!

CCC Ellen

morro bay Cheryl said...

yeah.....we can make Aaron that Hawaiian delicacy Spam and pineapple kabobs. It's all Spamalicious. Course we'd throw out some healthy stuff too like fresh veggies & fruit. Aaron needs his fiber, vitamins & antioxidents for the long haul. Maybe we'll do an Asian themed dinner as is our group's camping tradition.

Unknown said...

2many2add -

I figured there must be a logical explanation for the SPAM fix. Is SPAM even legal in any states other than California and Hawaii? Hopefully, he doesn't get caught transporting the contraband over a state line.

Thanks for taking care of cousin Aaron.

Big A said...

I found SPAM. It was on sale at Kmart. Regular price was $3.29/can, on sale for just $1.99/can. I only bought 8 cans. I had a great dinner of SPAM, cream of mushroom soup and wheat pasta. mmm mmm good.

morro bay Cheryl said...

They ought to sell Lipitor with SPAM so don't eat those 8 cans all at once. Your arteries won't like it!

Unknown said...

Can Kmart really sell that for $3.29 a container? I thought $1.99 was a stretch. Any other carvings for canned meat by-products - maybe Vienna sausages or Underwood liverwurst?

morro bay Cheryl said...

new cravings for canned meats.....might be the beard.