These 2 photos are from the Klamath river area.

First an update on my items that did not make the cut: all my fishing supplies, (they were too heavy and too bulky to keep for maybe a few nights of fishing) all books except for the one I was reading and 1 extra, I kept enough food to get me to my next shipment all the rest had to go.
On the chopping block are my tennis shoes. I have only worn them 1 time. If I do not wear them again before May 12th they are history. They are old and worn out so it will not be a big loss.
Day 22
Miles 54.5 Total for trip 801.95
Avg spd 9.37
Max spd 25.17
Climb 1891
Alt chng --82
Today I got started around 10. am and was expecting rain for much of the day. I was pleasantly surprised that it did not rain until around 10 pm. I am glad I took yesterday off, I talked with someone at a rest area, she said gusts were 50 to 60 mph and it rained all day in the area.
I crossed into California a few miles into the day. I noticed that right away gas went from 2.35, and someone pumping your gas for you, to 2.65 and you having to pump your own gas. I ran into some rough road today, but am still happy with the amount of room on most of the 101. My map had me take a couple detours off the 101 to some country roads. Kind of a nice break, seemed like a lazy Sunday afternoon ride. I made it to my original campsite around 4 pm and knew I had to go off the 101 for a couple miles. I started down the road and it looked like it would be straight down for the full 2 miles. I decided I did not want to climb a 2 mile hill in the morning so I pushed on. I got to Klamath and didn't think I could make it the 15 miles to the next state park before dark so I started pricing the RV parks. They were all $20 for a campsite and I could not find any bridge to camp under so I stayed at an RV park right on the bank of the Klamath river. It was a nice area and they had great lawn chairs. Tomorrow looks like a short day since I covered some of the mileage today.
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