Avg spd 10.55
Max spd 34.42
Climb 1033
Alt ++52

Today was an easy day I had the option of combining today & tomorrow and take any extra day off or have a couple easy days. It turned out it was one of the best decisions I have made on the trip to have 2 easy days, because I ran into a great group of people at Morro Bay State Park. They are a bunch of people who met in college in the 80's and went camping and have kept the tradition going. I will call them the Crazy College Crew.

I was having trouble getting my tent stakes in so I went to the nearest camp to borrow a hammer. I talked with them for a few and was invited to the BBQ they were having that night. I went over around 3.30 to meet everyone( I remember some names but not all so will omit all names so I don't get any wrong). Everyone was real nice. Most seemed to be from LA or the surrounding area. There was an airline pilot, an Emmy Award winning camera woman from Dancing With the Stars, photographer, and more.

There were many grills going. The joke of the day was a reality tv show featuring the team of The Hippies, Neanderthals, and one I forgot. The Hippies won going away. Their grill cooked: corn, flank steak, salmon, and garlic bread(I helped with the garlic bread). The dinner and conversation were great. This night will be tough to top. I had a lot of fun and it tough to pack up and leave tomorrow.
Thanks for the great breakfast to get me going the following morning
Hi Aaron,
We are so glad for you that you ran into such a great bunch of people. The food sounded and looked yummy! and we were so glad to see your picture again! we really thought we were going to have to wait until your 600th pic!
Love mom and dad
Hey Aaron,
What fun you have had!! Love the picture of the seals and all the others, like Aunt Beth especially the group picture with you in it. I'm glad you you had such an exciting last few days. I also think it's a good plan to advoid camping along hw 1. I talked to your dad today. Take care of that leg.
Hey Aaron,
One of the Crazy College Crew Hippy cooking team here . . .
We so enjoyed meeting you - and discovering that you are on this incredible journey!
Love the blog.
We definitely missed having you at Mexican night on Sunday - although it was pretty cold. The wind came up and we tried to fight it off with margaritas!
All the best as you continue your trek.
Ellen (the bbq'd corn maven)
Best of luck to you. You will look back upon this adventure with memories of those Crazy College Crew - and they will also remember the 6000 mile guy. PEACE from the Neanderthals - look what can become from borrowing a hammer.
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