Avg spd 11.18
Max spd 29.08
Climb 1614
Alt chng --1293

I had extra miles to go today, but I did all the hard riding yesterday so it should be a nice ride into Steamboat Springs. I was about 1/2 mile out of camp when I heard some loud splashing in the creek next to were I was riding. I stopped an saw a moose staring at me. I grabbed my camera and got some pictures before he could run away. He got out of the creek and ran a couple hundred feet down the road.

Today I road by the Stagecoach Reservoir, which is relatively new in reservoir years. It was started in 1983. There are a lot of nice houses around it. I got to ride a nice trail about 1/4 of the way around the reservoir, the trail ended up going right over the dam. It was a great ride today. I was riding by the Yampa River for most of the day. It is a nice little river that goes through Steamboat Springs and a lot of people ride tubes and rafts down it.
I found a bike shop and picked up a bunch of spokes, co2, and a chain whip so I could replace all the bent spokes. I found I needed a larger wrench so I found an Ace Hardware on the edge of town. I worked on replacing the bent spokes for about 2 hours and put my bike back together so I could get out of town. Little did I know I was so fart out of town that the road I needed to turn on was right across from Ace. I got on the 40 and road for around 3 miles and saw the 42, which I should not have seen if I went the right way. My map showed the 42 would allow me to turn onto a road to get to the 44. I road on the 42 around 2 miles and the only roads I saw were private gated roads so I gave up and went back into town. It was 7.30 so I decided I had better stay at the overpriced RV park for the night. It was a good thing because the next day there was not a place to camp for around 25 miles, it was all private land.
Hi Aaron, You are really looking lean, dad and I especially like the one of you standing up. You did get some good pictures of the moose, they can be confrontational you know. That "chain whip" you bought, are you sure that's a tool for fixing something on your bike or is it really something to fight off the coyotes?! Four more days and you get a home cooked meal, I don't know about a shower though?
Love you, mom
I think you have to be a bit careful preparing a home cooked meal for Aaron. If the dish doesn't contain SPAM his body may go into withdrawal of meat by-products and salt. Also, you may want to insist on a shower or at least a dip in a pond. Aaron does look great!
Danny, I don't know if you know this or not but Aaron actually bought some ARTIFICAL spam for a mere 99 cents. I can only imagine what that would taste like by itself. I'm sure it probably tastes great after you add in your other 10 or so ingrediants. Aaron is going to make us one of his great spam dishes but we are using the REAL spam!
nice, wish I was there...
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